Governor Information
Governing Board
There is a Local Governing Board with the Trust responsible for overall governance/strategy. We have a strong Governing Board, who together with the Head of School, set the future goals for the school through the school development plan, ensure statutory monitoring takes place and that all policies are adhered to. Governors provide the Head of School with support and advice, drawing on their knowledge and experience. The governing body consists of: school staff, parents, community members and representatives of the Berlesduna Academy Trust.
Meet the Governors
The school has the following governors which make up the local governing board:
Mr S West (Chair of Governors) contact via the clerk
Mr S Tobin (Executive Headteacher)
Mrs G Pryer (Head of School)
Mrs J White (Staff Governor)
Mrs Hayley French (Parent Governor)
Ms J Melanaphy (Co-opted Governor)
Vacancy (Co-opted Governor)
Mrs Sarah Almond (Parent Governor)
Mrs E Patching (Co-Opted Governor)
Observers – Mr Phil Andrews (Deputy Headteacher) Sam Potter (Trust Finance Manager)
Please see our “pen portraits” of our governors below.
If you are interested in applying for a role within our forthcoming Governing Body, please contact Julie Lapslie:
Premises and curriculum matters are all dealt with at our Local Governing Board meetings, Governors also have a financial overview. Other committees are convened from our Governing Board as and when they are required. Responsibilities are delegated as outlined in the Scheme of Delegation
Delegated Roles and Responsibilities
As part of Governors’ ongoing monitoring the following roles and responsibilities are delegated each academic year. Governors carry out one termly visits to monitor these areas and feedback is provided at each LGB meeting. Roles are delegated as follows:
Safeguarding Jo Melanaphy
Health and Safety Eileen Patching
SEND (including LAC) Hayley French/Jo Melanaphy
Pupil Premium Hayley French
ECT Sarah Almond
Pen Portraits of our Governing Board
Steve West (Chair of Governors)
For the past 30 years Steve has worked in, one capacity or another, with business rates. He has progressed from a clerical position to Associate Partner in a West End property firm. His roles have been varied but during his career he has: managed a team at Basildon Council dealing with the collection and recovery of rates and any staffing issues represented Basildon Council in the Magistrates Court often presenting complex legal arguments responsible for budgets and ensuring that these were adhered to currently he is responsible for analysing complex data which he then presents to the client in a clear and concise manner
Since July 2010 Steve has been a Governor at Merrylands and he has taken an active interest in the education of the children, either by challenging the school in relation to the targets they are setting or by observing lessons and looking at the children’s books.
Eileen Patching
Eileen is passionate and committed to the provision of and continuous improvement in good quality education and takes an active role in primary education in Basildon. She is a founding governor member on the Basildon Excellence Panel and is now a Trustee of the new Basildon Excellence Partnership. Eileen has been a school governor of Merrylands Primary School for over 15 years including being the Chair of Governors for eight years. As a senior civil servant she leads a division of 120 staff in a range of policy and technical professional roles, risk management and customer service roles. Eileen has extensive experience of governance in challenging and assuring performance/interventions/development/handling of issues or cases involving millions of pounds. Her work involves analysis of complex data and financial information in order to make informed decisions.
Jo Melanaphy
Pen portrait to follow
Hayley French
Pen portrait to follow
Sarah Almond
Pen Portrait to follow
Jessica White
Pen Portrait to follow